The philosophy Behind   #Vuka: Crossover

KCAU is an academic giant. For years, we have produced great minds in the world of business. However, for us to stay on top of things, it is crucial that we keep drawing attention not only to what we do, but to how we do it.

Though we have been doing well, our competitors are not asleep. We have to be alert so that we can stand out. One of the things that we are doing is to do differently from the rest. We need to showcase this. Our creative side and digitization elements need to be ‘met by the world.’

Social media cannot be gainsaid in this era. Our presence on the various platforms has helped our visibility. Using a hashtag in our theme will surely draw attention to us. This attention will then lead to curiosity about us and what we are doing. It will be an opportunity to show our seamless digitized aspects in teaching and administration; our film productions and a transformed workforce plus work environment.

#Vuka:Crossover is a natural, subtle key word that is original (Swahili-English fusion) and authentic. It will drive the message home. As the phrase literally says, we are experiencing changes in many ways. For example;

  • We have changed from our traditional teaching and learning methods to modern learner centered and digitized ones
  • We have transformed our students into resourceful workers
  • We are in the facilitating the transition from the third industrial revolution to the 4th
  • We are making the required adjustments to manage the COVID 19 related complications